Tree Top, Thekkady (Periyar National Park), Kerala

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Covered in bougainvillea and lush greenery, Tree Top, Periyar is lovingly run by a small and dedicated team. Individual cottages provide a cosy and intimate stay, and they’re excellent value. The four-bedroom bungalow, in particular, is perfect for larger groups or families. Wake up early in the morning to the sound of birdsong and the sight of frogs hopping across the lawn, giant squirrels scurrying between the trees, and monkeys jumping from branch to branch. Designed for your relaxation there are plenty of quiet seating areas and hammocks for an afternoon siesta. Ayurvedic treatments are also available. Casual, open-air dining can be experienced at Tree Top’s restaurant, where local Keralan, Asian, and Continental dishes are on the menu. An ideal family stay and an excellent place to explore the richness of Thekkady,
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